Euro Cut natural Gem Stones |
KGE, a leading
Exporter and Importer of Coloured Stones, deals from Mining to
Manufacturing to Wholesaling. KGE deals in Rough Stones,
Precious, Semi-Precious - Cuts, Beads and Cabs. SKD, a firm of
KGE, deals in Diamonds Beads. KGE has also won several Export
Awards. more...

Jewellery is not only for woman. We offer a new product for both man and women. Jewellery Watches studded with Natural Gem Stones. Available in every size, with any stone you like. Wide ranges available on order.

We offer a wide collection of Italian-made Beads Jewellery. The fine and perfect jewllery with Beads and Cut Stones. A new product range launched by KGE, looking the new generation wants and fashion.